YA-232 7 Petaled Seed of Life 2" gold plated Grid.

YA-232 7 Petaled Seed of Life 18K Gold Plated Healing Grid.
The 7-Petaled Lotus (Seed Of Life) represents The Rainbow Bridge!On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is the seventh chakra, connected to the first through the vertical power current. Thus the 7th chakra is in charge of the operating of the whole energy consciousness system. Its purpose is expansion that goes far beyond the physical, to freedom of spirit, enlightenment and liberation. Size: 2 inches in diameter.
PD-220-S Circular Lotus 2" Pendant Silver plated

The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. It is one of the most ancient and deepest symbols of our planet. the Lotus flower grows in muddy water and rise above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolize the purity of heart and mind.
Note: Due to it highly reflective nature, the photo was taken at a slight angle to capture the best likeness of this piece. The design is geometrically perfect.
YA-332-SM 7 Petaled Seed of Life 3" gold plated Grid.

YA-332-SM 7 Petaled Seed of Life 18K Gold Plated Healing Grid.
The 7-Petaled Lotus (Seed Of Life) represents The Rainbow Bridge!On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is the seventh chakra, connected to the first through the vertical power current. Thus the 7th chakra is in charge of the operating of the whole energy consciousness system. Its purpose is expansion that goes far beyond the physical, to freedom of spirit, enlightenment and liberation.Size: 3 inches in diameter by .02 inches.
Golden Ratio Universal Stainless Steel laser Cut Grid, YA-290

YA-290ss Golden Ratio Sacred Geometry grid, laser cut in fine detail from rustproof stainless steel. It has been perfectly laser cut geometrically! Both sides have a highly polished silver finish. 2 inches in diameter, weighs under 2 grams. Ideal for pendants, stencils, earrings, wall hangings or altarpieces. FIBONACCI AND THE GOLDEN RATIO Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece, to the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose, have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics.
ER-32 7 Petaled Seed of Life 30 mm Earring gold plated Grid.

ER-32 7 Petaled Seed of Life. 18K Gold Plated Healing Grid 30 mm Earring.
The 7-Petaled Lotus (Seed Of Life) represents The Rainbow Bridge! On the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, there is the seventh chakra, connected to the first through the vertical power current. Thus the 7th chakra is in charge of the operating of the whole energy consciousness system. Its purpose is expansion that goes far beyond the physical, to freedom of spirit, enlightenment and liberation. Size: 30 mm in diameter
YA-88 Golden Ratio Stainless Steel laser Cut Grid

YA-88 This Golden Ratio Sacred Geometry Grid is laser cut in fine detail from rustproof stainless steel. This symbol is 3.25 inches tall and fits perfectly into a small picture frame. and it is 5 inches long and 0.1 mm thick it also weighs under 4 grams It has been geometrically perfectly laser cut and both sides have a highly polished plain silver finish. Perfect for a stencil, wall hanging, picture frame or altarpiece.
Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio. The relationship between the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio is a surprising one. We have two seemingly unrelated topics producing the same exact number. Considering that this number (or Golden Ratio) is non-rational, the occurence is beyond coincidence. Some of the greatest mathematical minds of all ages, from Pythagoras and Euclid in ancient Greece through the medieval Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa and the Renaissance astronomer Johannes Kepler, to present-day scientific figures such as Oxford physicist Roger Penrose have spent endless hours over this simple ratio and its properties. ... Biologists, artists, musicians, historians, architects, psychologists, and even mystics have pondered and debated the basis of its ubiquity and appeal. In fact, it is probably fair to say that the Golden Ratio has inspired thinkers of all disciplines like no other number in the history of mathematics. Can be also worn as a very large pendant but we sell the chain separately.
YA-57 18k Gold plated Philosopher's Stone 4" Grid

4 inch 18k Gold plated Philosopher's Grid
YA-83 18k Gold plated Merkaba 4" Grid

4 inch 18k Gold plated Merkaba Grid
YA-87 18k Gold Plated Platonic Metatron 4" Grid

18k Gold Plated Platonic Metatron Grid
YA-80 Hexagonal Star 18K Gold Plated Grid

18k gold plated Hexagonal Star Grid
YA-677 Enneagram 18k Gold plated 6" Grid

6 Ince 18k Gold plated Grid
YA-683 18k Gold plated Merkaba 6" Grid

6 inch 18k Gold plated Merkaba Grid
YA-12109 18k Gold plated Seed of Life 12" Grid

Beautiful 18 karat gold plated Seed of Life Sacred Geometry symbol. Size: 11.25 inches diameter by .01 inches thick.
Note: The design is symmetrical, however, in order to capture the best likeness of the item, the photo has been taken at a slight angle.