Yantra is a Sanskrit word that is derived from the root yam meaning to control or subdue or "to restrain, curb, check". Traditionally such symbols are used in Eastern mysticism
to balance the mind or focus it on spiritual concepts. The act of wearing, depicting, enacting and/or concentrating on a yantra is held to have spiritual or astrological or magical benefits in the Tantric traditions of the Indian religions.
Shapes and patterns commonly employed in yantra include squares,
triangles, circles and floral patterns but may also include more complex
and detailed symbols, for instance: The lotus flower typically represents chakras, with each petal representing a psychic propensity (or vritti) associated
 Yantras are visual picture tools (mandalas) that serve as symbolic compositions of the energy pattern of a deity. They have been passed down by the ancient rishis who have seen these patterns in their exalted consciousness. They can be used to focus upon and attract the benign influences that flow from the representative deity.
The worshipper’s consciousness, sincerity and interiorized concentration can attract the blessings of intermediary angels, saints or deities that assist the universal spirit by helping to amplify their inner communion. However such practices though aiding to the adherent are not as rapid a path to the infinite as the daily practice of a meditation technique that has been passed on from a self-realized Guru.
 How to Use a Yantra 1. Begin your practice by washing your body to start with a clear and positive frame of mind. If this is not convenient, simply washing your face will also have a purifying effect. 2. Next, hang the yantra on a wall, placing the center of the yantra at the level of your eyes as you face east or north looking into it.
3. Light the incense and candle(s) and lay a fresh flower and a piece of fruit on the altar.
4. Adopt your favorite seated posture in a chair or on the floor. Either way you are seated, the most important point is to keep your spine straight and upright. 5. Look into the center of the yantra, trying to blink as little as possible; you don't want to focus on the specific details of the yantra, just keep your sight right in the center and observe the whole yantra at once. 6. This exercise should last at least 10-30 minutes every day.
All our Yantra images are available in different sizes as photographs and a special format specific for them: 8" x 8" and 12" x 12" See all Images Below

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