A triskelion or triskele is an ancient motif consisting of a triple spiral exhibiting rotational symmetry... Derived from the Greek word "Triskele" meaning "three legs", the Triskele or Triple Spiral is a complex ancient Celtic symbol ... Movement, or motion, is believed to signify energies, in particular within this Celtic Symbol the motion of action, cycles, progress, revolution and competition. Believed to have been around since Neolithic times. The oldest Triskele on record dates back six thousand and five hundred years. The location of this symbol is in Malta. Thus, the best surviving Celtic Triskelions are however present in Newgrange in Ireland. Other ancient artifacts that bear this symbol are vessels from Mycenaean Greece and coins from the State of Lycia.
In Christianity, the branches of the Triskele being three depict the Holy Trinity, that is, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Number three also signifies the number of times Jesus went through temptation in the Wilderness. In Hinduism, there are three aspects of God, Destroyer, Preserver, and Creator, three Goddesses of destiny, and the three deities who created human beings, Ve, Vili, and Odin. Thus, the Triskelion is held in high regard by people all over the world because of its connection to 3.
Note: Due to it highly reflective nature, the photo was taken at a slight angle to capture the best likeness of this piece. The design is geometrically perfect.
